Monday, June 6, 2011

U.S. drone strikes

Some would argue that U.S. drone strikes are counter productive and helping terrorist recruit disfranchised victims of collateral attack by the unmanned drones. The drone strikes are violating States airspace and sovereignty. Others would argue that drone strikes have been successful in striking high terrorist targets and locating them. What is your take ? Please take a few seconds to complete the poll on this blog.

1 comment:

  1. There is no doubt that US drone strikes inflame anti american passions and that the drones do violate the sovereignty of other States. That being said most states that we have use drone strikes there is a understanding in which we have permission for these strikes. In regards to inflaming tension most of those people will be inflamed regardless but we should reform the program and have more on the ground human assets to verify targets. So in conclusion strikes should continued but with reforms
